Clinicians from four NHS centres are collaborating to present their use of Omnigen, amniotic membrane in the treatment of ocular conditions.
On Tuesday 4th October 2022 at 7pm BST, four clinicians will present their experiencing of transplanting Omnigen, human amniotic membrane onto the ocular surface for a range of different patients. NuVision Biotherapies (, who manufacture Omnigen, collect the foetal membranes from women undergoing elective caesarean section and delicately manufacture and preserve the tissue into our final product, Omnigen. Which can be transplanted onto the eye to support healing; control inflammation and help manage pain. You can sign up to the webinar through the below link.
The first of the clinicians presenting will be Ms. Mani Manvi Sobti, a locum consultant ophthalmologist from Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust ( Ms. Sobti’s talk will be focused on the treatment of the ocular manifestations of a Steven’s Johnson Syndrome patient. An orphan disease that effects fewer than 2 people per million each year, which causes damage to the mucous membranes of the eye alongside its dermatology manifestations.
Our second speaker will be Mr. Jonathan Morton from St Helens and Knowsley NHS Trust, a consultant plastic surgeon who will be presenting on the application of Omnigen during periocular reconstruction when inducing surgery in an orbital propellor flap. The anti-adhesive properties of amnion allows for Omnigen to be placed in these clinical applications.
Our third presenter will be Mr. Amit Arora, a consultant ophthalmologist from Moorfields Eye Hospital presenting on the application of Omnigen following the excision of ocular neoplasia. In these conditions, amniotic membrane acts as a substrate for cellular regrowth and act as a supporting structure within the surgical wound.
Finally, Mr. Mayank Nanavaty from Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust will be presenting on Omnigen-OmniLenz for stem cell transplantation. OmniLenz is a bespoke bandage contact lens that can be used to load Omnigen onto the ocular surface without the requirement for surgical intervention.
The meeting will be chaired by Mr. Sajjad Ahmad, a corneal consultant ophthalmologist at the Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Trust. Mr. Ahmad will lead a question-and-answer session with each of the speakers, which will also include field questions from our online audience.
NuVision and the speakers look forward to welcoming you to our webinar. To sign up, please follow:
If you are not able to attend the live webinar, a recording will be distributed to all the sign-ups.

NuVision Biotherapies
Based in MediCity, Nottingham, NuVision Biotherapies is a regenerative medicine company recently spun out from Academic Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham. NuVision was established in 2015, founded on investment from Mercia Fund Management, to develop and bring to market cutting edge, regenerative therapies.
About Omnigen
Omnigen is a patented, dry preparation of human amniotic membrane, made from the sac surrounding the baby during pregnancy. The Tereo® manufacturing process, developed at the University of Nottingham Ophthalmology department, transforms this waste product of birth into a sterile and stable dry regenerative therapy that can be easily shipped and accessed anywhere in the world. Omnigen is applied directly to the wound dry and is rapidly and effectively rehydrated using surrounding moisture to immediately reactivate the beneficial properties to promote tissue repair and healing in a variety of ways. The product represents a unique and versatile “off-the-shelf” regenerative product and may be stored long term. The Tereo process preserves the wound healing action and provides surgeons with an effective sight saving therapy that could provide a meaningful benefit to patients, including those suffering from ocular surface disease and conditions with unmet medical need.
About OmniLenz
OmniLenz is a bespoke bandage contact lens designed to apply and hold Omnigen at the ocular surface without the need for sutures or surgery. OmniLenz is manufactured for exclusively for NuVision by Menicon UK. Omnigen can be applied by OmniLenz using a simple 4 – 6 minute procedure in an outpatient setting. The decision to apply Omnigen to the ocular surface using OmniLenz is at the discretion of the clinician.
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