Ocular healing, naturally
Innovative therapies for ocular surface disease

Ocular biotherapies within arm’s reach

At NuVision we see ocular healing differently. We know patients need rapid and accessible care for ocular injury.

We manufacture Omnigen – our wound dressing and grafting material – from a natural biomaterial called amniotic membrane. The delicate process we use to create Omnigen means that the natural barrier function of the amniotic membrane is retained to support natural healing and recovery.

Easy access means Omnigen tissue grafts are conveniently available when and where you need it, so patients receive care quickly.

NuVision is dedicated to developing innovative new therapies for ocular care.


Omnigen® natural wound dressing

Ready when you are

OmniLenz® bespoke contact lens

Surgery free rapid care

A unique approach to amniotic membrane preservation

The way we process amniotic membrane means Omnigen retains the natural barrier function of amniotic membrane  and can be stored between 2 – 25oC – ready when you are.

Tereo® is a patented process supported by over 15 peer reviewed research publications.

“Our products have potential to revolutionize wound care world wide.”
Dr Andrew Hopkinson
Founder and Chief Scientific Officer
Romeo Opthamology

The registry of amniotic membrane outcomes in ophthalmology (ROMEO Ophthalmology) is an online platform for eye care specialists to record, collate and audit anonymised procedural and clinical data specific to the use of amniotic membrane.

ROMEO Ophthalmology provides users the ability to clinically evaluate their amniotic membrane use to improve regulatory surveillance; conduct research and standardise use within the ophthalmology network. 

of translational research behind our technology
1 years
4-6 minutes
to apply
4- 1 mins
Patients already
benefited from the Omnigen
> 1