NuVision are announced as a winner of two awards. One which celebrates our collaboration with Aston University Vision Science Group and other second for providing an innovative solution into healthcare.
The Medilink Midlands Healthcare Business awards took place last night celebrating the best and brightest life sciences and MedTech companies and collaborations across the Midlands area.
Firstly, NuVision was announced as the winner of the ‘Delivering innovation to health and care’ award, celebrating companies that offer revolutionary care options for the healthcare service. Our focus is on tissue-therapies, providing the eye care specialists with the ability to treat patients with amniotic membrane in an outpatient setting using a bespoke bandage contact lens, called OmniLenz.
We are delighted to be recognised for delivering innovation in health and care at the 2023 MediLink Business Awards. Our innovative technology is helping patients with injuries to their eyes heal more fully and quickly, and allows clinicians to treat patient earlier and without the need for admission for surgery in an operating theatre.
Andy Hill, CEO
Secondly, NuVision in conjunction with the Optometry and Visual Sciences team at Aston University, were presented the award for ‘Partnership between academia and business’. Our teams have been working together sine 2019 to investigate the application of amniotic membrane in aiding the symptomatology of patients that present with dry eye disease.
“As a university spin-out ourselves, research is at the core of NuVision’s values. Our work with Aston University has allowed us to collaborate with world-leading experts to develop innovative treatments to benefit patients’ worldwide” Dr. Andrew Hopkinson, Chief Scientific Officer at NuVision.
The event was sponsored by the University of Birmingham and the Precision Health Technologies Accelerator and held at the University of Birmingham’s Great Hall.
We would like to thank Medilink Midlands for the kind invitation to the awards and to wish our congratulations to all the awards winners and nominees.
Collaborative partnerships are essential for the development of ground-breaking technologies that can transform the lives of patients. We are delighted to be working with Professor Wolffsohn and Sònia Travé Huarte at the College of Health & Life Sciences, Optometry & Vision Science Research Group (OVSRG), Aston University and to have this partnership recognised by winning the MediLink 2023 Award for Partnership between academia and business.
Andy Hill, CEO

NuVision Biotherapies
Based in MediCity, Nottingham, NuVision Biotherapies is a regenerative medicine company spun out from the University of Nottingham. NuVision was established in 2015, founded on investment from Mercia Fund Management, to develop and bring to market cutting edge, regenerative therapies.
About Omnigen
Omnigen Tereo processed amniotic membrane, is a patented dry preparation of human amniotic membrane. Amniotic membrane is the innermost layer of the placental sac, which protects and holds the foetus during pregnancy. NuVision upcycles and transforms this waste product of birth into an effective wound care product. The Tereo manufacturing process, developed at the University of Nottingham’s Academic Ophthalmology department, transforms this waste product of birth into a sterile and stable dry regenerative therapy that can be easily shipped and accessed anywhere in the world. Omnigen is applied directly to the wound dry and is rapidly and effectively rehydrated using surrounding moisture to immediately reactivate the beneficial properties to promote tissue repair and healing in a variety of ways. The product represents a unique and versatile “off-the-shelf” regenerative product, and it may be stored long-term. The Tereo process preserves the wound healing action and provides surgeons with an effective sight saving therapy that could provide a meaningful benefit to patients, including those suffering from ocular surface disease and conditions with unmet medical need.
About OmniLenz
OmniLenz is a specially-modified bandage contact lens designed to apply and hold Omnigen at the ocular surface without the need for sutures or surgery. OmniLenz is manufactured exclusively for NuVision by Menicon, UK. Omnigen can be applied by OmniLenz using a simple 4 – 6-minute procedure in an outpatient setting. The decision to apply Omnigen to the ocular surface using OmniLenz is at the discretion of the clinician.
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Optometry and Vision Science Research Group, Aston University
The Optometry and Vision Science research group conduct world leading, translational, multidisciplinary research into vision and perception, visual develop and myopia, the crystalline lens and ocular surface, and vascular imaging of the eye.
Optometry and Vision Science Research Group focuses on four key topics of research: visual development and myopia, the crystalline lens and ocular surface, vision and perception, and vascular imaging. In addition, our research within the area of ophthalmic technology and devices has been identified as a Centre of Excellence.
We also feed into two of the College of Health and Life Sciences’ four key multidisciplinary themes; vision, cognition, and language, and health and disease across the lifespan, and work closely with colleagues within the Aston Research Centre for Healthy Ageing and Aston Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment.
Our work has significantly contributed to the global understanding of the development, use, preservation, and restoration of ocular function. We have been ranked as the world’s leading institution for expertise in presbyopia research (the ageing eye), and 4th in the world for expertise in contact lenses by Expertscape. We are also a leading centre for myopia research.
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Medilink Midlands